Loved reading your post! I am lucky too that I’m able to take a rest day when I need to. It really helps calm the mind and reset. I’m sorry to hear that your dishwasher broke. We were fortunate to have a dishwasher in our apartment, but I’ve never thought about changing the filter omg lol. I just ordered eight small bins to help organize all my art/craft supplies. My art space is a bit chaotic too haha. Anyway, hope you’re having a good evening!

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I’m glad I’m not the only one! I definitely learned about cleaning out the filter because our dishwasher started to smell terrible. If you google your model number it could probably tell you how to do it. I followed a YouTube video. I’m trying to look at the bright side and see it as a type of meditation. I’m a big fan of organizing bins for different things 😂 I have some ready to be filled upstairs, just the sorting to get to. Thanks for reading!

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